徒步的骑手 1周前 转眼一年过去了。不尊重现实,会让现实捶的满地找牙。拜登是位令人失望的总统,选民曾对他怀有期望,大都被他糟蹋了。如果民主党不改弦更张,可能会类似于LBJ后的20多年,口是心非的伪善+极端意识形态的边缘人沉渣泛起,会把任何党拖下水。 转眼一年过去了。不尊重现实,会让现实捶的满地找牙。拜登是位令人失望的总统,选民曾对他怀有期望,大都被他糟蹋了。如果民主党不改弦更张,可能会类似于LBJ后的20多年,口是心非的伪善+极端意识形态的边缘人沉渣泛起,会把任何党拖下水。 #拜登 #美国总统 #失望
Herman Jin 2周前 “Just because you believe the other side is corrupt doesn’t give you a license to do the same.” My support and expectations for Trump have completely disappeared. “Just because you believe the other side is corrupt doesn’t give you a license to do the same.” My support and expectations for Trump have completely disappeared. #特朗普 #政治腐败 #失望
non aesthetic things 1个月前 The disappointment on The King of Spain's face at a flag raising The disappointment on The King of Spain's face at a flag raising #国王 #西班牙 #升旗仪式
𝕊𝔸𝕃𝕋𝕐 𝔾𝕀ℝ𝕃 1个月前 Wtf is going on here? This is NOT what we voted for. Wtf is going on here? This is NOT what we voted for. #乱象 #选举 #失望
Wild Clips 1个月前 Dad seemed a lil disappointed in his son 💀 Dad seemed a lil disappointed in his son 💀 #父亲 #儿子 #失望