大雄的微笑2025-01-31 06:14:08贤书Sun:蛇年非要整个深度搜寻,本来你CCP的统治就暗无天日了这下更看不见明年的太阳了……世界赠予你的是什么?你CCP当初为这个世界做了什么,天地合计完了你的功过是非就会立刻兑现折现返还给你,看了吗?你的五星血旗不停的杀戮,那些死去的冤魂和上天也会同样百倍奉还当初的血腥……所以,还你一片红色……#蛇年#CCP#统治#五星红旗#杀戮#血腥#冤魂#深度搜寻
Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯2025-01-26 17:12:48"Beijing-backed study". Deeply disturbing Something is not right about the Met's sudden change of heart over #China #CCP new mega-embassy Met dropped embassy objection after seeing Beijing-backed st#China#CCP
Libs of TikTok2025-01-19 06:06:47American Tiktokers are flocking to the new CCP app Rednote where they’re getting fed propaganda about how great life in China is #TikTok#RedNote#CCP#propaganda#China#USInfluence
The Great Translation Movement 大翻译运动2025-01-19 02:25:22Mayor of Corbetta Marco Ballarini is the first Italian politician to join #RedNote and probably the last. CCP has always resented foreign politicians' access to Chinese social media platforms. #RedNote#CCP#ChineseSocialMedia#ItalianPolitician
Mike Gallagher2025-01-17 16:36:06Congress's goal was never to ban TikTok. It was to allow Americans to use the app safe from Chinese Communist Party control. Today, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld that effort while soundly rejec#TikTok#SupremeCourt#CCP#AmericanPrivacy
巴丢草 Bad ї ucao2025-01-17 07:38:05latest death threat from CCP i receive today is quite a creative. A from of organ donation from Australia was sent to me with my real legal info filled. Chinese message says ‘ To find a way out for y#CCP#DeathThreat#OrganDonation#Australia#Threat#LegalInfo
勃勃OC2025-01-17 04:23:33因为所谓反华,反的是世界文明逆流、中国奴隶主CCP 而不是中国人、华人 要搞集中营,也会先把成天撒谎,窃取,监控,迫害,抓捕,坏事干尽的共产党员们抓起来 如果你是个正常中国人,没有人反你 而且还会用没有受过欺负的眼睛,帮助你,让你接受教育,找到工作,买房买车,成家立业 这就是2000万华人在全世界“反华”国家生活的真实写照 连王志安都活在日本 傻子才会相信现代文明国家的文明人会反中国#反华#CCP#集中营#世界文明#现代文明
勃勃OC2025-01-17 01:49:02因为中国人为国家而生 最后一个中国人死了 只要咱们党还在,CCP还在,上海外滩还在 咱们中国就是成功的 民族就是伟大的 东升就是西降的!! 想要摆脱这个宿命,一条路 消除中国国籍,成为一个站着走路的 外国人 #东升西降#CCP#民族主义#成功#外国人#中国国籍
Denise Wu2025-01-16 23:36:41CCP is willing to open up XiaoHongShu and Douyin internationally as TikTok ends, but something feels off… We should all be concerned by how much effort the Chinese government is willing to tolerate t#CCP#Xiaohongshu#Douyin#TikTok#International#Chinese government
Dispropaganda2025-01-14 10:42:16TikTok hasn't even been banned in the US but the CCP foreign agents/bots/useful idiots already got new orders from Beijing to start migrating the brainrotted zoomers to a new CCP brainwashing malware.#TikTok#CCP#US#ban#foreign agents#bots#Beijing#zoomers#brainwashing
Michael Sobolik2025-01-13 19:16:26🚨🚨🚨 Something very strange is happening in the Apple Store. It appears ByteDance may be redirecting American TikTok users to a new CCP controlled app. Overnight, a new app surged to the top of the c#AppleStore#ByteDance#TikTok#CCP#AppRedirection#DataPrivacy#USChinaRelations
Mike Gallagher2025-01-11 17:22:30There’s massive amounts of evidence that the CCP has done everything possible to spy on Americans. TikTok is one element of that campaign. #CCP#spying#Americans#TikTok
巴丢草 Bad ї ucao2025-01-07 09:45:51Funny thing i learn today CCP- center for contemporary photography Its really hurts my Chinese feeling #photography#CCP#Contemporary Art#Chinese culture#misunderstanding
MoshangUSA2024-12-19 16:38:26微信是CCP的强大统战工具,比TikTok危害更惊人 CCP搞组织结构很可怕,首先用微信把华人圈起来,不管你反不反共,不想跟华人和中国朋友亲人失去联系就需要微信—-因为其他App都被CCP封了。这第一层就网络了所有在自由世界的华人,收编到CCP的App下接受明的暗的信息洗脑。 然后用各种文化、生活、教育活动,把关注华人文化和中国的海外华人松散收集一遍,这些活动总是看似不经意地收集华人信息,起码#微信#CCP#统战工具#TikTok#海外华人#信息收集