2025-03-06 18:29:12
大闹国会的众议员阿尔·格林受到许多中文大V的追捧和赞美,认为他是敢于挑战川普的美国英雄,也是美国众议院中的唯一男儿!这些人真沒有想到,阿尔·格林是中共最资深的老朋友,还是北京交通大学特聘教授!阿尔·格林大闹美国国会是不是奉旨行事?好在他只是临时被逐离国会,而不是把他逐出美国,让他回到北京从事专职反美工作。知道他的身份了,那些为他喝彩的中文大V该收场了吧! Congressman Al Green, who made a scene in Congress, was admired and praised by many Chinese influencers, who believed that he was an American hero who dared to challenge Trump and the only man in the U.S. House of Representatives! These people really didn’t expect that Al Green was the most senior old friend of the Chinese Communist Party and a distinguished professor at Beijing Jiaotong University! Did Al Green make a scene in the U.S. Congress on orders? Fortunately, he was only temporarily expelled from Congress, rather than expelled from the United States and asked to return to Beijing to engage in full-time anti-American work. Knowing his identity, those Chinese influencers who cheered for him should end it!
2025-03-06 18:29:12
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