《中国日报》又刊登了一篇针对以色列的有失偏颇的稿件。这一次,《中国日报》越过了一条重要的红线,用一幅挑衅性的漫画暗示大屠杀(第二次世界大战期间旨在全面、系统地消灭犹太人的暴行)与2023年10月7日伊斯兰极端恐怖组织(哈马斯、真主党和胡塞武装,均由伊朗政权指挥和赞助)强加给以色列的战争存在联系。 遗憾的是,《中国日报》始终未能向读者提供有关这场冲突的完整、公允和准确的信息。这损害了读者对可靠新
《中国日报》又刊登了一篇针对以色列的有失偏颇的稿件。这一次,《中国日报》越过了一条重要的红线,用一幅挑衅性的漫画暗示大屠杀(第二次世界大战期间旨在全面、系统地消灭犹太人的暴行)与2023年10月7日伊斯兰极端恐怖组织(哈马斯、真主党和胡塞武装,均由伊朗政权指挥和赞助)强加给以色列的战争存在联系。 遗憾的是,《中国日报》始终未能向读者提供有关这场冲突的完整、公允和准确的信息。这损害了读者对可靠新闻的需求,同时也歪曲了事实。 这种令人反感的漫画很危险,因为其会助长反犹太主义的传播。我们敦促《中国日报》道歉并纠正其冒犯性的出版作品。 China Daily has published another biased piece against Israel, this time crossing a significant red line with a provocative caricature suggesting a connection between the Holocaust—an atrocity aimed at the total and systematic annihilation of the Jewish people during World War II—and the war that was imposed on Israel on October 7, 2023, by extremist Islamic terrorist organizations: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, all directed and sponsored by the Iranian regime. Unfortunately, China Daily has consistently failed to provide its readers with complete, balanced, and accurate information regarding this conflict. This undermines their need for reliable news while presenting a distorted view of reality. This kind of repulsive caricature is dangerous as it contributes to the spread of antisemitism. We urge China Daily to apologize and correct its offensive publication.