AJ Ma2025-01-01 17:04:49BREAKING: the man who rammed his car into people in New Orleans last night is named Shamsud Din Jabbar. Born and raised in Texas. Served in the US Army.#Texas
AJ Ma2025-01-19 17:29:56BREAKING: TikTok says it’s restoring service in the U.S. after Trump provides assurances#TikTok#美国#特朗普
AJ Ma2025-01-19 03:28:22BREAKING: CapCut, a popular video editing app owned by ByteDance, has shut down in the U.S. #CapCut#ByteDance
AJ Ma2025-01-16 23:07:13BREAKING: Debris seen over the Caribbean after SpaceX's Starship falls apart during test flight #SpaceX#Starship#Caribbean
AJ Ma2025-01-07 16:56:18NEW: Trump says name of the Gulf of Mexico will be changed to Gulf of America #Trump#politics
AJ Ma2025-01-07 12:41:48French politician Jean-Marine Le Pen, founder of France's National Front party, has died at age 96 #death
AJ Ma2025-01-06 16:04:42BREAKING: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces resignation after 9 years in power #加拿大#总理#贾斯廷·特鲁多
AJ Ma2025-01-01 22:20:25BREAKING: Cybertruck which exploded at Trump Hotel in Las Vegas and truck used in New Orleans attack were both rented through carsharing app Turo - AP#Cybertruck#explosion
AJ Ma2025-01-01 17:09:19BREAKING: Suspect in New Orleans attack identified as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar, who had an ISIS flag - NOLA#NewOrleansAttack#ISIS#SuspectIdentified
AJ Ma2025-01-01 14:19:05BREAKING: FBI says New Orleans attack being investigated as an act of terrorism#FBI#terrorism#attack
AJ Ma2025-01-01 14:03:55UPDATE: Suspect in New Orleans car-ramming attack was shot dead by police - WGNO#NewOrleans#carRamming#policeShooting
AJ Ma2025-01-01 12:57:58BREAKING: At least 2 people killed, 22 injured after fireworks explosion in Honolulu, Hawaii #爆炸#烟花爆炸#檀香山
AJ Ma2025-01-01 11:18:27BREAKING: At least 10 people killed after driver in pickup truck plows into crowd in New Orleans, followed by gunfire - WGNO #NewOrleansIncident#PickupTruckAttack#GunfireAftermath
AJ Ma2024-12-31 10:00:00HAPPY NEW YEAR! Kiribati's Christmas Island is the first place in the world to welcome 2025 #新年#圣诞岛#基里巴斯
AJ Ma2024-12-29 04:28:22WATCH: Air Canada flight lands with broken landing gear at Halifax airport. Only minor injuries #AirCanada#flight#landinggear
AJ Ma2024-12-29 03:46:27BREAKING: 179 people presumed dead in South Korea plane crash, fire department says. Only 2 survivors #韩国#空难#事故
AJ Ma2024-12-29 03:12:52UPDATE: Death toll in South Korea plane crash rises to 62#SouthKorea#PlaneCrash#DeathToll
AJ Ma2024-12-29 01:28:29SOUTH KOREA PLANE CRASH - Jeju Air Flight 2216, flying from Bangkok to Muan - 181 people on board - Tried landing without landing gear - Crashed into wall at end of runway - At least 28 killed, 2 surv#JejuAir#PlaneCrash#SouthKorea
AJ Ma2024-12-29 01:10:26BREAKING: Video shows crash of Jeju Air Flight 2216 in South Korea. 181 people on board #JejuAir#空难#韩国
AJ Ma2024-12-28 12:59:40BREAKING: Putin "apologizes" for "tragic incident" in Azerbaijan Airlines crash, says Russian air defenses were responding to Ukrainian drone attack#普京#道歉#阿塞拜疆航空空难
AJ Ma2024-12-27 07:38:26BREAKING: South Korean parliament votes to impeach Acting President Han Duck-soo. Finance Minister Choi becomes acting president.#韩国#弹劾#国会
AJ Ma2025-01-26 04:32:15I’ve said from the beginning that Covid likely originated in the Wuhan labs. Communist China covered it up and the liberal media covered for them. I’m pleased the CIA concluded in the final days of th#COVID#WuhanLabOrigin#ChinaCoverup
AJ Ma2025-01-23 06:24:15We can’t allow anyone controlled by or affiliated with the Chinese Communists to own one more inch of American soil. America’s adversaries have no business exploiting our farmland or setting up espi#中国#美国#共产主义
AJ Ma2025-01-17 15:07:17ByteDance and its Chinese Communist masters had nine months to sell TikTok before the Sunday deadline. The very fact that Communist China refuses to permit its sale reveals exactly what TikTok is: a c#TikTok#ByteDance
AJ Ma2025-01-16 14:00:18TikTok will either be sold in the next few days or it will be banned. Either way, Communist China will no longer exercise massive influence over our nation and our children.#TikTok出售或禁令#中国影响#国家安全
AJ Ma2025-01-13 17:23:43China’s Permanent Normal Trade Relations status has enriched the Chinese Communist Party at the expense of American workers. Repealing this mistake will enhance our national security and end Communis#China#TradeRelations#NationalSecurity
AJ Ma2025-01-30 02:27:56以前看到少年时期景仰的神犇们在大公司的岗位上浪费人生优化莆田广告投放、或者来币圈发项目割韭菜,就觉得很可惜。因为没有人供养这个时代最优秀的大脑去促进人类的发展。最可笑是说他们是「做题家」的,做题做出一个 NOI 奖牌试试,在算法竞赛培训没那么商业化的年代,能靠的只有早慧、天分和自律。#职业发展#大公司文化#币圈
AJ Ma2025-03-09 06:22:433月7日,江苏南京,小仙男小笼包里放铁丝,要求老板娘退款!事后老板娘感觉不对劲,调查监控发现猫腻…. 只要思想不滑坡,办法总比困难多!小伙子唯一没有做好的就是没有仔细观察监控设备,导致功亏一篑。#南京#小笼包#铁丝
AJ Ma2025-03-05 14:58:11大撒币已经到了又一个巅峰!其实党心里面也很苦的,因为对内没有合法性,必须要到国际上去“收买”执政的合法性,而随着这么多年以来全世界所有贫穷落后的国家已经看穿天朝的本质,要价也越来越高,没办法啊! 预览#大撒币#执政合法性#国际关系
AJ Ma2025-03-04 14:19:453月3日,家政大姐拍下医院一幕:儿子指着中风父亲鼻子骂,老东西想死是不是?再不醒过来接回家等死。 可怜可恨,这是原子化的人正常表现,不光是这些平民百姓,即便是当初的薄熙来也照样踢断薄一波三根肋骨,包子帝当初从下乡点逃回北京,一样被牠母亲举报。手足相残是传统美德。#家政#医院#家庭暴力
AJ Ma2025-02-27 13:28:27据说,“聪明”的中国人已经找到办法对付美帝的关税了,并且已经见到成效了,同样的商品,绕道其他国家(如加拿大、墨西哥、越南、马来西亚等)这也是川普为什么拿加拿大和墨西哥开刀的原因,可以预见,未来如果谁把美帝当傻子,通过自己国家“走私”中国产品,必将招致美帝加关税的惩罚,所以,好戏才刚刚开始!预览预览12#关税#贸易战#中国策略
AJ Ma2025-02-08 09:26:24深圳已完,有事烧香!深圳是寄生在香港身上而成长的,当寄生母体完蛋之后,怎么可能独自活下来?那不是要把自然规律推翻?深圳合理的、原本的状态就不过是一个海边的宝安县而已!随着党把香港便会渔村,深圳怎么可能独善其身?在深圳还有资产的,赶紧快跑,否则就是鸡飞蛋打的结局。 预览预览12#深圳经济#香港局势#资产保值
AJ Ma2025-03-12 11:48:31现在的局面让我想起了当初马斯克购买推特,基本90%的人都反对他花那么高的价格收购一个社交平台,没有人知道他的未来格局,太太太有远见了,他在自己的书中说过,购买推特也是未来可能会帮助特朗普竞选,他的远见和格局不是一般人能理解的,往往现在回头看,当初收购推特(现在的X)是非常明智的选择,你认为呢预览#马斯克#推特收购#社交媒体