Robert Scoble 2周前 Apple is now vulnerable. Why? AI brings a paradigm shift that Apple will find hard to deal with. It will take years to play out. But Apple’s management is just like Kodak or Nokia. Not listening Apple is now vulnerable. Why? AI brings a paradigm shift that Apple will find hard to deal with. It will take years to play out. But Apple’s management is just like Kodak or Nokia. Not listening to the market. Not humble. Too political. As Holodecks and robots hit later this year from a number of companies we’ll start understanding the shifts already underway. Meta, NVIDIA, and even Tesla are smelling blood in the water. And quite a few robot companies. My lists have them all. In five years if we all have a Chinese or a Tesla or some other robot in your home then Apple will start stumbling. Apple needs a leadership change. And a big one. It blew its chance to get into autonomous vehicles because of politics and lack of vision, I hear from many who were inside. Tesla’s Cybercab was the final bullet. But we all know that won’t happen. Tim Cook was chosen by God himself. He will never step down and even if he did the real problem is the old guys directly underneath him. Many of whom still have big names. They have no vision and are way too political. They need to put way way more effort into spatial computing and robots. There is way too little effort and way too little leadership. No passion. So, the $64,000 question is who will win the Holodeck and Robot wars that soon will start? The next year certainly won’t be boring. Apple has all the advantages. But I have learned many times market share and advantages DO NOT MATTER AT ALL. Just ask Alta Vista or Nokia executives. I am moving investments away from Apple and toward NVIDIA and Tesla. Disruption ahead. #Apple #AI #paradigm shift