2025-03-17 01:27:37
【 RFA台长:终止资助RFA是中共的福音】 美国自由亚洲电台(RFA)于美东时间周六(15日)收到美国全球媒体总署(USAGM)的通知,正式终止对 RFA 及其合作媒体网络的联邦资助。 美国总统特朗普于周五深夜签署行政命令,要求削减美国全球媒体总署(USAGM)内“非法律规定的部门”,该机构负责资助RFA及其他独立的全球新闻机构。美国国会向USAGM拨款,而该机构再将资金分配给受资助的新闻媒体。 RFA台长Bay Fang周六发表声明表示:“终止对RFA的资助是对包括中共在内的独裁者和暴君的奖励,他们最希望的就是他们的影响力在资讯领域不受控制。RFA在帮助美国决策者了解中国和其他封闭国家所发生的现实方面一直扮演着奠基性的角色,为没有透明度和问责性的地方带来了透明度和问责性。RFA在新疆的突破性报道,促使第一届特朗普政府对中国政府作出种族灭绝宣布。 今天的通知不仅剥夺了近6000万人的权利,他们每周都通过RFA的报道了解真相,而且还牺牲了我们自己的利益,使美国的对手受益。我们计划挑战这个短视的命令,并采取一切必要手段,继续我们的工作,保护我们勇敢的记者。” 以下是英文声明: RFA President: RFA’s cancellation a boon to the Chinese Communist Party 2025.03.15 WASHINGTON - Radio Free Asia (RFA) was informed today by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) that its federal grant agreement, which makes possible RFA’s operations in Asia and globally, has been terminated. RFA’s President and CEO Bay Fang issued the following statement: The termination of RFA’s grant is a reward to dictators and despots, including the Chinese Communist Party, who would like nothing better than to have their influence go unchecked in the information space. RFA has been foundational in helping U.S. policymakers understand the reality of what’s happening in China and other closed countries, bringing transparency and accountability where there is none. RFA’s breakthrough reporting in Xinjiang led the first Trump Administration to make its declaration of genocide against the Chinese government. Today’s notice not only disenfranchises the nearly 60 million people who turn to RFA’s reporting on a weekly basis to learn the truth, but it also benefits America’s adversaries at our own expense. We plan to challenge this short-sighted order and pursue whatever means necessary to continue our work and protect our courageous journalists. #RFA
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