The Spectator Index2025-01-08 16:00:02The Guardian reports that there were 95% more vasectomies and 70% more tubal sterilizations performed on people between the ages of 19 and 26 in the months after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v
Sakiel2024-12-30 09:27:07其实我看,也没什么人打算复兴中华或者拯救人类什么的,大家的目标都很低,只不过就是没有意识到自己的目标其实这么低。顶天了就想生个把孩子,需要一点物质条件,这也没多难,用不着摆出拼命的架势。再说了实在不行就不生嘛,又不会掉块肉。我都不理解你们人类为什么这么喜欢纠结。
Aiden Hunter2024-12-27 01:34:38Do not enlist. They can use their high-skilled foreigners to fight their next war. Stay home and have kids.