non aesthetic things 3周前 Man took his friend who is blind to a location where he can drive freely without worrying Man took his friend who is blind to a location where he can drive freely without worrying #友谊 #关爱 #无障碍驾驶
开眼实验室 4周前 1月6日 湖南长沙 盲道被电瓶车占用 视障人士推倒多车引争议 网友:不该占用,但也不能故意推倒 1月6日 湖南长沙 盲道被电瓶车占用 视障人士推倒多车引争议 网友:不该占用,但也不能故意推倒 #湖南长沙 #占用盲道 #视障人士