NO CONTEXT HUMANS 2周前 You’ve never seen a bottle glass house like this one before You’ve never seen a bottle glass house like this one before #bottlehouse #Architecture #sustainabledesign
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 2周前 Beautiful representation of modern architecture. Beautiful representation of modern architecture. #Architecture #ModernDesign #BeautifulSpaces
Wild Clips 3周前 Some apartment buildings in Milan have "pocket elevators". A design so tiny that one adult can barely fit in it. Some apartment buildings in Milan have "pocket elevators". A design so tiny that one adult can barely fit in it. #Milan #PocketElevators #design
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 3周前 This is the American equivalent of the Notre Dame burning This is the American equivalent of the Notre Dame burning #American #NotreDame #burning
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 3周前 Architecture nowadays is so depressing Architecture nowadays is so depressing #Architecture #modernarchitecture #cityplanning
The Figen 1个月前 This amazing photo of the Millau viaduct. by Greg_alric This amazing photo of the Millau viaduct. by Greg_alric #MillauViaduct #photography #Architecture
Figen 1个月前 Windows that can be converted into balconies. Windows that can be converted into balconies. #Windows #Balconies #Architecture