Jamie Metzl 3周前 Marco Rubio is 100% correct. The Chinese Communist Party has a parasitic relationship with the people of China and with the rest of the world. Marco Rubio is 100% correct. The Chinese Communist Party has a parasitic relationship with the people of China and with the rest of the world. #MarcoRubio #China #ChineseCommunistParty
Jamie Metzl 1个月前 中国政府对 COVID-19 大流行负有主要责任。中国政府对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰负有主要责任。中国政府对4700万中国公民不必要的死亡负有责任。追究中共的罪行是绝对必要的。 中国政府对 COVID-19 大流行负有主要责任。中国政府对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰负有主要责任。中国政府对4700万中国公民不必要的死亡负有责任。追究中共的罪行是绝对必要的。
Jamie Metzl 1个月前 We have a plan to hold China accountable for #COVID19 and help prevent the next pandemic. It involves amending America’s Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to grant US courts jurisdiction over COVID-19- We have a plan to hold China accountable for #COVID19 and help prevent the next pandemic. It involves amending America’s Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to grant US courts jurisdiction over COVID-19-related claims. We have already drafted the legislation. #COVID19 #China #pandemic