non aesthetic things 2周前 here's a baby learning fine muscle control in real time 🥹💕 here's a baby learning fine muscle control in real time 🥹💕 #baby #learning #muscle control
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 2周前 How to juggle in 60 seconds How to juggle in 60 seconds #Juggling #skills #Tutorial
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 3周前 These kids are so intelligent These kids are so intelligent #intelligent #kids #education
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 4周前 didn't understand a word, but I uderstood it all 🫡 didn't understand a word, but I uderstood it all 🫡 #learning #comprehension #nonverbal communication
NO CONTEXT HUMANS 1个月前 practice doesn't always make it perfect practice doesn't always make it perfect #practice #perfect #learning
non aesthetic things 1个月前 Self-taught what now??? 💀 Self-taught what now??? 💀 #self-taught #learning #autodidact