Kos Samaras2025-01-17 06:13:36If you are on the left side of politics and do not find this deeply distressing. In fact, if you don’t find it outrageous. Then you are not in the Left but rather in a 1930s Bavarian Beer Hall.
空空 🌟 狞猫世界第一可爱!2025-01-08 09:48:17我的天,地球上居然有人敢把特鲁多比作“苏格拉底、谭嗣同”。口区——吐完了还得替谭嗣同谢谢进步小将,我们牢谭能和苏格拉底名字一起出镜也太不容易。
Tuomas Lin Li2025-01-03 12:35:02股票、国债、汇率,全面失控下坠…… 信用极限透支,人心已经解体,黔驴已经技穷,“东升西降”梦未醒; 章邯已降项羽,刘邦攻下武关,二世命悬一线,“指鹿为马”演朝堂……